World Cancer Day 2022: Date, Objective, Theme, Slogans, Quotes In Hindi & English For Whatsapp & Facebook

World Cancer Day is a Day which is being celebrated in all the world to make people aware about Cancer.

World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. World Cancer Day is led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008. The primary goal of World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer and is an opportunity to rally the international community to end the injustice of preventable suffering from cancer. The day is observed by the United Nations.

World Cancer Day targets misinformation, raises awareness, and reduces stigma. Multiple initiatives are run on World Cancer Day to show support for those affected by cancer. One of these movements are #NoHairSelfie, a global movement to have "hairticipants" shave their heads either physically or virtually to show a symbol of courage for those undergoing cancer treatment. Images of participants are then shared all over social media. Hundreds of events around the world also take place.

World Cancer Day Date, Objective, Theme, Slogan, Quotes In Hindi & English For Whatsapp & Facebook

World Cancer Day Theme

The campaign theme is 'I Am and I Will'. The theme seeks to counter the negative attitude and fatalistic belief that nothing can be done about cancer, and instead promotes how our personal actions can be powerful and full of Impact.

In 2016, World Cancer Day started a three-year campaign under the tagline of 'We can. I can.', which explored the power of collective and individual actions to reduce the impact of cancer. Prior to 2016, the campaign themes included "Not Beyond Us" (2015) and "Debunk the Myths" (2014).

World Cancer Day Date, Objective, Theme, Slogan, Quotes In Hindi & English For Whatsapp & Facebook

World Cancer Day Quotes

Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul.

On World Cancer Day, let us promise to never surrender or let anyone else surrender to this disease.

Never let the disease control you or your life because you are gifted with willpower to fight against all the odds…!

Cancer affects all of us, whether you’re a daughter, mother, sister, friend, coworker, doctor, or patient.

Now I’ve thought of another: Never give up. Never surrender.

World Cancer Day Date, Objective, Theme, Slogan, Quotes In Hindi & English For Whatsapp & Facebook

World Cancer Day Slogans

Cancer damages you more emotionally and mentally than physically.

It is your choice- you want to be a victim of cancer or a survivor of cancer.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.
We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell.

World Cancer Day Date, Objective, Theme, Slogan, Quotes In Hindi & English For Whatsapp & Facebook

World Cancer Day Quotes In Hindi

आप जल्द ही आपके लिए एक दया भी नहीं कर सकते कभी नहीं पता कि कितनी देर हो जाएगी।

महत्वपूर्ण बात यह नहीं है कि कितने वर्षों में आपका जीवन लेकिन आपके वर्षों में कितना जीवन है।

किसी भी समय आपके पास कहने की शक्ति है इसका मतलब नहीं है कि कहानी कैसे समाप्त होने जा रही है।

ओह, मेरे दोस्त, यह वह नहीं है जो वे आपसे दूर ले जाते हैं मायने रखता है - बल्कि यह वही है जो आप छोड़ चुके हैं और आपके साथ हैं।

World Cancer Day Date, Objective, Theme, Slogan, Quotes In Hindi & English For Whatsapp & Facebook

Inspirational World Cancer Day Quotes

Courage is not the absence of fear but the realization that there is something else more important.

I fight with Cancer every day and I survive every day and this is my victory on this disease.

Cancer not only kills the person but also kills the happiness in the family… Don’t let it ruin your loved ones.

Let us add more meaning to World Cancer Day by creating more awareness about it…. Let us end Cancer from all our lives!!!

Fighting Cancer Day Quotes For Facebook

Scars are tattoos with better stories.

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

Cancer may have started the fight, but I will finish it.

Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning.

Cancer affects all of us, whether you’re a daughter, mother, sister, friend, coworker, doctor, or patient. Just be strong!


Cancer is very dangerous thing which is very harmful for the people who are suffering from Cancer. We should share Fighting Quotes About Cancer for the people who are suffering from it and should share it with the other people also to prevent this to be with any other person. On World Cancer Day, we must share World Cancer Day Slogans and World Cancer Day Quotes with the other people to make them aware about it.

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