National Burger Day is celebrated every year on May 28 in the United States.
Actually the National Burger Day is a day of appreciation for hamburgers & the term hamburger is derived from the city of Hamburg, Germany, where beef from Hamburg cows was minced and formed into patties to make Hamburg steaks.
That's why here we have created the collection of the Best National Burger Day Quotes, Messages, Greetings, Images, Pictures, Photos & Wallpaper for you to share it on your social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
National Burger Day Quotes

1. Eat a burger today as you never had one.
2. When life throws you in pain, have a burger and relax.
3. I don't know if you call a burger 'recession food.' It's comfort food. - Michael Mina

4. I love to eat a burger here, there and everywhere!
5. A burger is a piece of heaven on earth!
6. A balanced diet is a burger in each hand.
7. We all have to take time to eat a burger to appreciate the taste.

8. The burger is not just for eating but to get experience.
9. a burger without cheese is like a hug without a squeeze.
10. Burger is the language of my type of love.
11. Just because people want to eat the burger doesn't mean they want to meet the cow. - Steve Buscemi

12. Don’t regret to have a burger, Just enjoy.
13. A burger is all I need today because I’m going to celebrate the burger day.
14. Healthy food is always expensive, but not a burger.
15. A burger is that food which creates beautiful memories of friends.
16. When you eat a burger, just think of the person who prepared it.

17. I can see the whole world in my burger plate!
18. Today satisfy your burger cravings because it is national burger day.
19. A burger is something anyone can do, just follow the rules. - Anthony Bourdain
20. I followed my heart and it led us to burgers.
21. Food is good when you have a burger on the menu.
22. A party without a burger is just like a meeting in the conference hall.

National Burger Day Messages & Greetings
23. Goof food means good mood, that’s the work of a burger. - Happy National Burger Day!
24. All you need in life is love. But a burger is okay now and then. - Happy National Burger Day!
25. A burger represents love when words are not adequate, so let's celebrate this National Burger Day!
26. You are what you eat. So do not eat anything cheap. Bragg a burger. - Happy National Burger Day!
27. A burger is my best friend. Whenever I need, it will be by my side. - Happy National Burger Day!
28. My mind says Gym, but my heart says burger! - Happy National Burger Day!
29. I was always was a burger lover and always will be. - Happy national burger day.